New year, BETTER YOU

January 4, 2023
12 min read

New year, new you, right? No babe, new year, BETTER YOU.

As we enter a new year, we subconsciously walk through the previous year in our heads and this sometimes can make us a bit emosh (anyone else a crier when the clock strikes 12? No, only me? Okay…)

Was last year the BEST year of your life or was it a sh*t show? Did you find who you really are or did you have an existential crisis? Or was it a bloody whirlwind and ended up being a bit of all of the above?

Regardless of how you want to label the previous year, I’m almost certain that in some shape or form, your love life was involved.

Now, I don’t know the ins and outs of your dating life from last year, but I am asking you now to put everything down to experience and wipe the slate clean. It’s time for reinvention.

When I think of reinvention, the first thing that comes to my mind is cutting all my hair off, dying it the opposite colour on the colour wheel and buying a pair of flared jeans to make myself feel ‘edgy’.

The thing with this is, as soon as you’re home from the hairdressers, you take one look at yourself in the mirror and regret all of your life decisions and those jeans get tucked away in the back of your drawer never to see the light of day again, until you have a clear out and you chuck them on Vinted.

Let’s face it, this type of reinvention is a complete waste of time and a waste of money. And to top it off, afterwards, you just wish for your old self back. You’ve made 0 progress and the only lesson you have learnt is that you don’t suit red hair.

Let’s leave that type of reinvention in 2022, as this year we are reinventing our SOULS. Sounds all a bit airy fairy doesn’t it, but trust me, internal reinvention will get you so much further in becoming the best you that you can be, rather than a fashion sense change will be.

I know you’re thinking, ‘what has this got to do with you helping me find my soulmate on Thursday?’ Firstly, I’m not just a dating app, I am a singles community. I am here to help you ENJOY the journey to meeting your special someone. Secondly, when you turn your attention internally, magic happens (hehe!)

Two words for ya: Self Love.

Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? Well, you’re wrong, it is not. There is a big difference to feeling comfortable with who you are and giving yourself a big self love hug each day. And these are easily mixed up.

I want you to sit and think about your previous relationships for a second (not for too long, we don’t dwell on things around here). What did you do in that relationship that made that person feel loved? What did that person/people do in turn for you? Did you used to write a little love letter and tuck it in their lunch box to make them smile? Did they used to run you a bath after a long shift at work? Did you both go for a walk and grab a coffee on a lazy Sunday morning?

Whatever comes to your mind, write it down.

And you know what I’m going to say next don’t you; start doing those things for yourself!

Fall in love with YOU. Fall in love with all the weird and wonderful things that make you who you are and watch yourself TRANSFORM!

When you start doing this, I can bet my bottom bloody dollar you will feel like a brand new b*tch.

And hey, if you find something about yourself along the way that you don’t overly love, you’ll be in a much better position mentally to get to the root of them and work on yourself to change them.

Once you truly love yourself, finding a partner becomes a bit easier. You won’t waste your time making excuses for someone who doesn’t meet your standards JUST because they give you a foot rub each night, and you love foot rubs. Ditch them and give yourself that god damn foot rub!

This is going to be YOUR year. Reinvent yourself the right way.

And remember: the love you give someone else is sometimes temporary, but the love you give to yourself is forever.

Love Thursday x
About the Author
Hey there, I’m Thursday! Just your sassy single soul who loves life. I’ll be keeping you updated here with some cool blogs. Stick around – I always have something interesting to say! Most of the time...
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